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Welcome to the Department of Extension Family & Consumer Sciences home page.

We hope you will take a few minutes to see what we have to offer.

New Mexico’s individuals and families make important choices and decisions every day that impact their lives and the lives of their loved ones. To make the best decisions, they need practical, accurate, and unbiased information.

Faculty and staff working within the New Mexico State University Department of Extension Family and Consumer Sciences (EFCS) provide research-based and current information on important and relevant topics that affect individuals, families, and communities. These professionals work directly with the NM County Agents, as well as, making resources available both within and outside the state.

Major focus areas in EFCS include: Health (mental, physical, and emotional), Family Life and Child Development, Personal Finance/Family Resource Management, Nutrition and Cooking, Diabetes, Disaster Preparedness, and Food Safety and Technology. Discover what the EFCS Department has to offer. Follow the links found under “Programs” in the navigation frame located on the left side of this page.

Jennifer Quintana
Extension Family & Consumer Sciences
Gerald Thomas Hall, Room 309
MSC 3AE, P.O. Box 30003
Las Cruces, NM 88003-8003
Phone: (575) 646-3936
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